Saturday, February 1, 2014

List of Accredited Osteopathic Schools in Canada

As per the requirement of World Health Organization (WHO); the College of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners of Ontario (COMPO) only accepts as members those osteopathic manual practitioners (OMP) who have graduated from a college of osteopathy that offers WHO compliant manual osteopathic education.

Any college of osteopathy that wishes COMPO to evaluate its program should contact COMPO at for information on school evaluation.

The following eight schools offer osteopathic educational programs in Canada that are based on WHO guidelines:
  • National University of Medical Sciences
  • National Academy of Osteopathy
  • Canadian College of Osteopathy
  • Canadian Academy of Osteopathy
  • Collège d'Études Ostéopathiques
  • Centre Ostéopathique du Québec
  • Southern Ontario College of Osteopathy
  • Établissementd’Enseignement Supérieur d’Ostéopathie du Canada 
Students who wish to study European style osteopathy in Ontario should choose a school that offers WHO compliant education as increasingly extended health plan insurers in Ontario approve payments only to those practitioners who have graduated from a WHO compliant manual osteopathic school.

Prior to booking an appointment with an osteopathic manual practitioner, patients should enquire if the OMP is indeed a graduate of a WHO compliant school of osteopathy.

We encourage all insurers in Ontario only to approve payments for those practitioners who have graduated from one of the schools listed above that offer WHO compliant osteopathic education.


1 comment:

  1. I am very happy that authorities have kept in mind that they need not provide more and more licenses to the colleges as there could be compromise on quality education provided to the students. I am sure that Physiotherapy North Ryde is providing the best possible relief to the patients to make them pain free and make them in their life to enjoy.
